
Please choose which language you would like to complete this application in./Elige en qué idioma desea completar esta solicitud./Vui lòng chọn thứ ngôn ngữ nào bạn muốn để hoàn tất đơn xin.

Application for Legal Services

Welcome to Lone Star Legal Aid. If you have a legal problem, you can use this application to get in touch with us. After you complete this application, someone from our office will call you to finish the intake process. You will need both a phone number and email address to complete the application.

This application is for new applications only. Do not complete it if you have a pending case or application with Lone Star Legal Aid. If you live outside of Texas, please visit the Legal Services website to find your service provider and exit out of the application.

The information you submit is confidential. You can read more about our privacy policy here.

Once you start the application, you cannot save your place and return later. The application should take about 10-15 minutes.

We cannot accept every case. You DO NOT become a client of Lone Star Legal Aid UNLESS we tell you that we accept your case.

We cannot help with traffic tickets or criminal cases.

I have read the information above and agree.

I Agree*
Is the person submitting this application the applicant?*

LSLA can only accept applications submitted by the applicant or someone acting with the applicant's express permission.

Are you already represented by an attorney in this matter?*

LSLA can only accept applications from unrepresented applicants.

Have you talked to anyone at Lone Star Legal Aid about the legal issue you are applying for assistance with?*

You cannot submit an application without agreeing to the above terms of service. Either change your answer to yes or enter your zip code below. Click 'Next' and we will provide you with the appropriate phone number to call and make a telephone application.


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Internet usage can be monitored and is impossible to erase completely. Be sure to clear your browser history of content you don't want others to see, including this website.

Click the Hide My Visit button on the right side at any time to leave this website. Learn more about digital security from the National Domestic Violence Hotline.